We have....count them.....5 jobs between my wife and myself. Why? because I would like to provide Mrs. Logic and Little Logic a nice home and food on the table. Not so easy these days. I work both day and night. Sometimes I go from my 9-5 to my 10-6 and then right back to my 9-5 without going home. I don't mind doing this. Why you ask? Because I will do whatever needs to be done in order to provide. Now, I know this is not a new revelation but in this presidential election hard work does not seem to be the mainstay of America anymore. Billionaires are being bailed out by me... Mr. and Mrs. Joe Taxpayer.
In this mornings paper I read that the banks being bailed out have put aside close to 30 BILLION dollars for bonuses. Can you believe that audacity???? Those douche nozzles decimate our economy, drop my home value, kill my stock portfolio and essentially rape and pillage the financial markets, and they are ready to give bonuses. I am sickened. If I watch too much YouTube at work, I'll get canned. These guys caused the Second Great Depression and get bonuses. Something is messed up big time.
So I degrees. Where am I leading with this post? Both candidates want to take my money and waste it. Obama wants to give it to people who "don't have as much as me" and McCain wants to give it to Billionaire Douche Nozzles in the form of tax cuts.
My sister in law is a die hard Obama fan (though she couldn't tell em 3 accomplishments he's done). I had a little exchange with her on my facebook page in which I criticized Obama's socialist tendencies. To which she replied, "Oh, you make more than $250,000??? Congratulations! (or something like that). I will just leave you all with my response.
"I don't now, but I plan to. And you know what? When I do, it means I worked my ass off for it and deserve every penny. I work day and night (and if anyone knows how literally I mean that, its you) to support my family in a decent way. I refuse to vote for some socialist who believes other people are entitled to it."
Zaidy Auction Today BH – Don’t Miss Out!
1 hour ago
"douche nozzles "
"drop my home value"
can't blame them for this. your house was way overvalued when you bought it and was ripe for a correction.
"McCain wants to give it to Billionaire Douche Nozzles in the form of tax cuts."
trickle down economics
"My sister in law is a die hard Obama fan"
your brother's wife? damn teachers' union propaganda
My home was bought at a great price. BH. Now, I'd like some return on my investment.
Trickle down economics does not work on its own, there are no policies in place to assure it trickles down.
I mean't my wife's sister, but they are all teachers too :)
"My home was bought at a great price."
i know where you live and when you bought it. you might have bought it at a *relatively* great price, but in was still overvalued and due for a correction.
i'm not saying you're a sucker and that you got ripped off, but it's just the nature of your local real estate market and the premium one must pay to live therein
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